sábado, 20 de junho de 2020

3 Magic Tea Diet Plan

Hello Girls, this is the method I'm using to lose weight in a simple and natural way, without a gym. CLICK HERE to lose weight too.

3 Magic Tea Diet Plan | HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST 10Kgs in 10 Days | Versatile Vicky I am showing a meal plan based on 3 magical teas. These 3 teas are simple and easy to make but are going to make a huge difference in your lives. This diet will help detox and you are not only going to lose upto 10 kgs in 10 days but will also have a healthy digestion and clear skin. Weight loss may vary from Individual to individual depending on various factors like how you prepare the meal, how much and which oil used, your metabolism etc. This diet is safe for all except for Pregnant Mother's. PCOS/ Diabetics may avoid adding honey in teas for better result and good health. Thyroid patients may use gluten free oats.

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